Which privacy category best describes you?

Are you a "fundamentalist," "pragmatist," or "unconcerned"?

Professor Alan Westin created three privacy categories. Find out how these categories differ and which one best describes you.

Find out for yourself and compare your answers to others!

We will give you some short scenarios to respond to. Find out how your privacy expectations compare to others.

The test takes around 15 minutes.

1178 people have taken this test so far.

Please tell us a little bit about yourself. Why?

The first five questions below are required.







In the following pages, answer the questions as honestly as you can. For questions that you feel do not offer appropriate answer choices, feel free to click "Other" and input your answer.

Social Media

Rate how much you agree with the following statements:

I trust social media platforms to keep users information safe.


In general, I think privacy is important.


Attitude on Privacy

Consumers have lost all control over how personal information is collected and used by companies.


Most businesses handle the personal information they collect about consumers in a proper and confidential way.


Existing laws and organizational practices provide a reasonable level of protection for consumer privacy today.



In the following section, you will be presented with a several scenarios of posts on a social media platform. You will be asked whether this post fits your privacy expectations.

The following scenario is a test one for you to get a feel for how it looks.

Post 0 of 16

Imagine you have made the following post recently:

This scenario meets my privacy expectations.


Almost there!

Last few questions, and you'll be on your way to the results!

How familiar are you with the process of changing privacy settings of facebook?


How familiar are you with the process of changing privacy settings on twitter?


How familiar are you with the process of changing privacy settings on instagram?


How familiar are you with the process of changing privacy settings on wechat?


Thank you for your participation!

Before we continue to the results, please answer the following two questions:


Thank you!

During this survey you might have noticed that there were 4 topics for the 16 posts. The 4 topics that the posts related to are:

Now lets take a look at the average of your comfort level based on these 4 topics

Your average answer for each topic will be in green.

The average for each topic among all the people who took the survey will be in purple.

The average for each topic among all the people who took the survey who are also fundamentalists will be in red.

The average for each topic among all the people who took the survey who are also unconcerned will be in red.

The average for each topic among all the people who took the survey who are also pragmatists will be in red.

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